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Home and Family News & Updates

Bolton Lock Company is based in Westhoughton, Bolton, and is our leading independent supplier of locks and other physical and electronic security equipment.
We are judged upon a number of things in our daily lives, especially businesses people. It is said that when we meet someone we establish whether we like them, respect them, want to do business with them, and a lot more, within the first few seconds, by the time we have made eye contact (or not) and shaken hands we have formed judgements.
Many of us take the Central Heating in our property for granted, until it stops working, by which time it may be too late. Considering how much we rely on Central Heating it would make sense to give it the same level of ‘TLC’ that we give to our cars.
For most people their bathroom is a highly personal living space within the home that needs to be both functional and comfortable, a friendly place where one can relax during a hot soak given chance.
Security systems are intended to protect property and people by their presence discouraging the bad guys from intruding into one’s property because they stand a better chance of being caught!
Storms have battered Britain with extreme winds and rain causing serious damage to properties, so don’t wait until it is too late to protect your home from Doris. Winds and rain can put a large amount of pressure on the structure of your home, therefore it is important to protect your home from the possible effects of the next storm.
New year, new house
New year, new house
Have you decided that 2017 is the year you’re going to move house? Well don’t worry, because our bestof Bolton members are here to help you.
Having easy access to bathroom facilities may be something that most people take for granted, but not so for people with a disability.
Planning is the key when designing one’s home, albeit the bedroom or elsewhere. It is not simply a matter of ripping out the old and putting in the new, to do so would be to lose the opportunity to create meaningful changes and produce a boudoir fit for a mega-star.
One sure way to change the look of one’s home is to change the window blinds, from the inside they may provide a fresh burst of colour, provide greater privacy, and from the outside add sparkle to windows that will spruce up the look of the property, and lift the spirits.
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