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Health and Beauty News & Updates

Many people wonder what the difference is between Parfum and Toilette. Debbie from Debonaire FM told us exactly what the difference is so we could write this blog for you.
Every fortnight we like to introduce you to our members, this week we’re meeting Barbara Gregori of Barbara Gregori Hairdressing and Beauty.
World Smile Day 2014
World Smile Day 2014
The phrase is it takes fewer muscles to smile then it does to frown, and so why not use this fact on National Smile Day 2014?
Fluoride is an essential component of toothpaste but why is it so important?
Debonaire FM are holding not one but two fantastic events later on this year.
Debonaire FM have just joined us here at the best of Bolton and so you can get to know them better, here’s some history on the company and more information on their brilliant products.
Here are 8 things you should never mix with alcohol
It is sexual health week between September 15th and September 21st, with the aim of it to keep everyone informed about sexual health and sexually transmitted infections or STI’s.
How much do you know about lymphoma? Not that much unless you or someone you know suffers from it I imagine. But World Lymphoma Day on Monday 15th September is the chance to increase your knowledge of this condition.
Going away or just enjoying the lovely sunshine we’re getting? Sometimes buying the right toiletries if you’re going away for the sunshine can be quite expensive but not with Sykes Chemist as they have some wonderful special offers for August.
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