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If you are looking for something to do in Bolton but on a budget? Here is your local guide to all the things you can do around Bolton completely free!
BOLTON'S very own bestselling author couldn't wait to check out a village's new library.
A series of events will take place in Bolton to mark Remembrance Day, in honour of the sacrifice the town’s war heroes made.
The Big Bolton Panto starts on 4th December2016
Winter months may see the sun disappear and frost come out, but winter is made 10x more fun in Bolton!
Light up the countdown to Christmas with the free Bolton Christmas Light Switch on! Join family, friends the rest of the Bolton community to celebrate Christmas 2016. The celebrations start at 5pm in the town centre, it’s going to be so much fun!
All Souls Bolton have released their timetable for events and activities for Autumn and Winter 2015. They are offering some unusual takes on seasonal celebrations.
The Greenmount v Farnworth Bolton cricket league game is taking place on Saturday 13th June 2015, and Fish Motors are proud to be sponsoring the Greenmount shirts!
The closing date to register to vote in the general election is 20th April, have you registered yet?
BYPHS are a wonderful charity providing help, support and accommodation to young and vulnerable young people. They received some tremendous support last month by local people and organisations.
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