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Local Businesses in Bolton
Business News & Updates

Red Chilli Design are superb at every aspect of design, as they produce brilliant business cards, fantastic website designs, photography and more. They provide exceptional marketing packages as well.
It’s a golden time for Campcraft, Bolton as they celebrate their 50th year of trading on April 21st 2014.
The Next Crossroads at Wilds will take place on 8th May so make sure you come along for a fantastic evening
Behind every good business website is an equally good system behind the scenes to make sure everything works properly. And that is exactly what Red Chilli Design are experts at producing for their clients.
Get 2014 off to a great start as It’s the time where Wilds Accountants hold their quarterly crossroads event, a very popular networking event and they’re inviting you to come along and would love to see you there. It’s such a great business opportunity.
Chamberlain Doors seem to have been celebrating a lot of staff milestones this year and they have calculated that as of December 2013 they have awarded 185 years of service between the staff this year alone just at their headquarters in Blackrod.
No business meeting is complete without coffee, and at Wanna Pizza Me you can enjoy their real Italian coffee in the relaxed seating area of the restaurant.
With Christmas just around the corner, its the time to be thinking of decorations, gifts for customers and treating employees to that all important Christmas night out but exactly how much should you spend and what can you claim back. We explain it all.
It's good to be different
It's good to be different
Andrew Dickson, of Bolton FM, talks about why it's good to be different and why every business needs someone unique in his latest blog.
Are you and your partner about to start a new business together? Have you always dreamed of working alongside your loved one? Well this will be great for you.
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