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At Dexterous, we currently have two Kickstart Scheme positions on offer: Sales & Support Advisor, and Graphic & Print Designer.
Being part of your business’s community really makes you feel part of something bigger than just your business.
At Dexterous Designs we send out a weekly e-Newsletter to subscribers, covering our industry/company news, achievements, offers, promotions, services and support.
Dexterous Designs have 56 reviews which equate to a 4.8-star rating, alongside lots of positive and encouraging feedback.
Somerset Day 2021
Somerset Day 2021
Fly the Flag for Somerset on the weekend of May 8th & 9th, show your support for our wonderful county. Read on for more information.
E-Commerce websites and online retail have been growing for years, and now more than ever, it’s booming!
While in principle this seems like a great way to save money, and it very well might save you on some upfront costs – it’s obviously not that simple. Most of us send our car to a garage and a qualified mechanic for a basic service; even though with some detailed instructions, the right parts, patience, some swearing, a big mess on the driveway, some more swearing, and perhaps quite a few days – we would probably get there… but you have just spent several days saving a couple of hundred pounds, there is a lot to clean up, 200 emails and messages to get back to, you’ve barely seen your family…. and do you really want to drive the car and trust it?? What business could you have generated in that few days while someone else did the service?
Every business has to have a reason for being started.This is how & why Clearview Windows Ltd developed & is going strong after 22 years !
With all the news of the DVSA website crashing when tests were able to be booked again, I wanted to let everyone know that I can book my pupils test and due to Instructors having a dedicated service, all my pupils have got a test booked, usually within a few minutes of me logging on.
Would you like some quality flowers at a great price? Why not call in to an exciting new florist, Stems of Taunton,run by Sally Ann,which has opened at Wellington New Road Taunton, inside the crematorium grounds
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