Suzi Rixon - Bach Flower Therapist

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“Treat the person, not the disease – the cause not the effect”
Not a day goes by, seemingly, without mental health being discussed on the radio, television, newspapers and all sorts of social media.
If the mind is busy complaining, how can it find the energy for the creation of new opportunities for relationships, job, etc..?...
Suzi Rixon, a qualified Bach Flower therapist in Shrewsbury, explains why natural therapy is not a box ticking exercise...
I have been encouraged to write a blog about boosting people with Bach Flower Essences following an epidemic of the latest flu type illness that has affected so many people
Time and again, when I chat to people and explain what is involved in my Shrewsbury based Bach Flower Therapy business, I am generally met with very blank looks...
Almost every day, there are scare stories in the news about health issues....
The nights have drawn in and the winter rain is here.......
There are many reasons why Suzi Rixon of 2's Company adores being a Bach Flower Therapist based in Shrewsbury.
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