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There have been worried whispers lately about when the deadlines are for registering your child for primary school places, but fear not because there’s still plenty of time!
For those of you that have noticed the gold post box outside Hope post office on Eccles Old Road, it’s not just coincidence, but in fact to honour the Paralympian Sarah Storey, who lived on Snowden Road in Eccles for many years before her move to Cheshire.
Children’s ISAs
Children’s ISAs
If you’re looking to start saving for your young offspring, you now need look no further than our very own city of Salford. Two Salfordian entrepreneurs have just launched ‘The Children’s ISA,’ a company offering savings accounts for parents, to replace the child trust funds of the past.
Uni Tips for New Students
Uni Tips for New Students
No one can prepare you properly for how difficult university will be, but those of us that have been around the block can certainly offer a few helpful pointers for all the worried freshers out there.
Spanish food
Spanish food
With everyone back in work and the holiday blues kicking in, why not bring a little bit of holiday fever back to brighten up your September?
Boutique Shops
Boutique Shops
People may not think of Salford as the shopping capital of the North-West, but there are certainly some little gems to be found nearby (and even in the city itself) when it comes to boutique clothing.
Body Revive Manchester
Body Revive Manchester
Do you practice sports regularly and find yourself with aches and pains? Well Body Revive Manchester may just be able to answer your prayers. Huw Buckley, a qualified masseur, runs a mobile massage business based in Eccles, Salford, but also provides treatments to the rest of Greater Manchester and elsewhere.
My Best Networking Tip
My Best Networking Tip
Business for Breakfast Director, Helen Adams, gives her insight into what makes networking the No.1 thing to do to grow your business.
Salford City Reds close their 2012 season campaign at Leigh Sports Village after SKY derail our final farewell.
Don't let your garden go to 'pot'
Don't let your garden go to 'pot'
Neglecting your garden before the cold weather comes back can mean losing many plants over winter, but hiring a professional gardener can ensure your garden is prepared and safe for the new season.
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