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14 DAYS OF LOVE 2013
14 DAYS OF LOVE 2013
Love is in the air as Valentine's Day approaches and with thebestof Guernsey's 14 Days of Love 2013 campaign running from 1st - 14th February, island businesses are certainly in the mood to receive your love.
thebestof Guernsey are delighted with the support and enthusiasm the local community and businesses are showing for our Buy Local campaign.
The Best of Guernsey is delighted to reveal our new interactive, community based and social media integrated WEBSITE! This is THE place to find thebest local businesses, offers and events.
The Best of Guernsey run an ongoing 'Buy Local' campaign encouraging islanders to support local business where they can. We are asking islanders to support the campaign and use local shops and small businesses, vital to the economy of the island.
Fresh Friday
Fresh Friday
Fresh Friday was launched on Friday 13th April and is a weekly market held in Market Square selling great local produce. We went along to see what's on offer to locals and visitors to the island....
Last Friday we held a social business networking event at Guernsey Golf & La Grande Mare Hotel. This event was slightly different to our usual in that it was held during lunchtime and was more interactive, and competitive with outdoor based activities.
Last weekend saw the climax of months of hard work with the Sarnia Estates Dancefloor Challenge. I was lucky enough to take part this year and have met some wonderful people, gained a few new hobbies and lost a stone along the way..!
Car Boot Sales in Guernsey
Car Boot Sales in Guernsey
Car Boot Sales in Guernsey and 'Tips for a Successful Car Boot Seller Experience'.
All Facebook Pages were upgraded to the new design (including Timeline) on March 30th, 2012 and whether you like change or not, we want you to make the best of your business page....
Last Thursday saw the launch of Mercury Magazine - an aspirational non-profit magazine created for and by the Young Business Group (YBG). Find out more about the purpose of this publication, why Mercury and the benefits of joining the YBG....
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