Wilds Chartered Accountants Invite You To A Pre Event For The Bolton and Bury Business Awards
22nd March 2011
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Bolton and Bury Business Awards One of the premier events in the Bolton and Bury business calendar is back – the 2011 Business Awards, brought to you by The Bolton News and Bury Times in conjunction with Business Bolton

The awards are open to companies of all sizes and we are looking for the businesses or individuals who through their endeavours make a vital contribution to the local economy

There are 11 awards categories covering every facet of business achievement and enterprise. A panel of distinguished judges will choose the overall winners from a shortlist of finalists in each category.

Wilds Chartered Accountants, a bestof bolton member and one of the sponsors of the awards would like to invite you to a short presentation to help you decide on whether you should enter your business into the Bolton and Bury Business Awards 2011. Heres what they had to say


Is your Business a Good Business?

Most people spend most of their time worrying the problems in their business and never really get the chance to celebrate the good things. So now it’s your big chance! The Bolton & Bury Business Awards give businesses just like yours the opportunity to reflect on your achievements. 

The top three in each category will receive fantastic press coverage and publicity worth thousands of pounds. Its simple to enter and so why not spend a little time reflecting on your achievements, no matter how small.

To help you the organisers, some of the judges and past winners will explain the application process, what the judges look for and the benefits of entering, at a special event on Wednesday 30 March. The event will be held at the Ambition Suite at Wilds, 70 to 76 Blackburn Street Radcliffe M26 2JW, between 9 and 10am. If you are thinking of coming along please email Nicola@wildsca.com, or phone her on 0161 723 3211.  

Finally speaking from personal experience, in 2010, Authorized Access (a second business owned by myself and David) was awarded winner of the Customer Excellence catagory.
The whole experience of entering the awards from completing the application form to attending the awards event was fantastic. It gave is the chance to reflect on what we did well as a business, what our future plans and aspirations are and also it was fantastic for PR and profile raising of the business. I would say there are no negatives in entering the award as regardless of whether you win or not it puts some real focus and energy into your business and given the current climate, that cant be a bad thing.

To enter the awards visit the official page here, choose your catagory and complete the online application form before 23rd April and come along to the pre awards event to hear from sponsors and winners who can really encourage you, share hints and tips and tell you what the benefit was to their business.

email Nicola@wildsca.com, or phone her on 0161 723 3211.  

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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