Why should you deep clean carpets?
4th June 2014
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Are you thinking of having your carpets deep cleaned? Les Coupe of Revive Carpets explains why should have them deep cleaned in his new blog.

“Why should we have our carpets deep cleaned” is a question I’m often asked.

Well, carpets are our life filters; they, trap dust, dirt & bacteria that would otherwise be floating around in the room, which of course we would breathe in. Breathing in these airborne pollutants is thought to contribute to a range of health issues, especially respiratory problems and quite a few allergies too.

So, carpets, trapping all these pollutants, is a good thing, however, like all filters, they need to be cleaned periodically to maintain their effectiveness, ideally before they become "full", after which they become ineffective.

Whilst we may all vacuum our carpets on a regular basis, conventional vacuum cleaners are not powerful enough to remove all of the soil and grime and over time, dirt becomes deeply engrained within the pile of the carpet and only professional deep cleaning using specialised processes will extract this soiling.

Rather than wait until carpets become completely clogged with dirt, they should be serviced on a regular basis. This will keep carpets looking new for far longer and keep the home a healthier place in which to live.

How often deep cleaning should take place depends very much on the lifestyles of the people in the home, but as a rough guide, every one to two years for ground floor carpets. It also costs a lot less than you might think and in the long run, will extend the life of your carpets.

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Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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