Week 4! My fourth driving lesson with Murrays School of Motoring
10th July 2014
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I've had 4 driving lessons so far, they're really going well and Shaun Murray is giving me the confidence I need, here's what I learnt on my last lesson!

Shaun rang up prior to the lesson to let me know that there will be a work experience joining us, at first I was nervous but when Shaun pulled up for us to start the lesson at 1pm I felt a lot better.

I got into the car, did the necessary safety checks and we moved off. We drove round for a while, and did a few hill starts and I took on some junctions too, the only problem, I stalled the car quite a few times through lifting my clutch too early!

Next we pulled up and we went through turning in the road. We were talking about it and going through the lesson plans when another learner driver came behind us to do a turn in the road, so we watched him and first time he hit the kerb, but second time he had it.

First Shaun showed me how to do it, and then it was my turn! I did the turn in 3 steps and didn’t hit the kerb! I felt very relieved!

We did some more driving around when it was time for another emergency stop, Shaun yelled STOP so I did the correct method, braking, clutch, mirrors and securing my car and then we were off again. We came to a dead end so I had to do another turn in the road!

This time, the road was very narrow, so I knew I would struggle on this. I went to do another turn, but this time it took me a few more steps to get it, it took me 9!

We did a bit of clutch control, getting it to the biting point and keeping it in place so the car stays stationary, at first it was a little hard but I’m getting the hang of it!

I’ve had 4 lessons now and I’m starting to feel a lot more confident, I’m starting to change gears myself noticing the cars noises too! Next lesson I will be doing parallel parking!


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Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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