Ultimate Linens are proud to support the local community
17th July 2013
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Darcy Lever based company Ultimate Linens do lots of work in the community and are always thrilled to support local events. They are proud of the local area and want others to be too.

Ultimate Linens were one of the sponsors at a recent fun day. The Darcy Lever Gravel Pits Action Group organised a May Day Parade and Fun Day. The weather was spectacular all day. Everyone who attended said it was a great day that raised awareness of the excellent work that the Action Group do. The Action Group work to preserve Bolton’s countryside keep it looking beautiful.

In addition they donated a raffle prize to St Stephens and All Martyrs Primary School for the family fun night. This was on Friday 5th July and was another hugely successful event.

That is just what Ultimate Linens do in their spare time. Their day job is of course selling high quality, luxurious bedding, linen and kitchen supplies. Ultimate Linens travel far and wide to get the best products for their customers. 

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