Tips on organising a conference by The Bridge Conference Centre, Bolton
6th August 2013
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We can speak from personal experience when we say that the Bridge Conference Centre is a superb venue for events and conferences. This large venue not only has a café area for networking and a massive hall for the occasion itself, it has other smaller rooms for talks and less grand events. Here are some tips about organising your own conference at the Bridge.

1)     Think about who the audience of the event will be and what topics you should cover in the talk that will be of interest to them.

2)     Pick the dates of the event carefully. Ensure it doesn’t clash with religious holidays, sporting events and indeed other conferences in the area. If the dates too close to another then it could put people of attending your event. Decide if people need to pre-register before the event or if they can just turn p.

3)     It’s often a good idea to think about having a theme for the conference. Then you could even have a matching logo to go with it. Include the theme in everything you release relating to the conference

4)     In a large room, think about how you’re going to project your voice so everyone will hear you. Plan your microphone as soon as possible, so there’s no last minute hiccups on the day. By the same reasoning, check that any visuals you are using can be seen at the back of a room too.

5)     Keep on track of your budget at all times. Detail all your expenditure, possible income and anything else of note.

6)     Decide if you need any co-sponsors for the event and if you do, what they will get in return. Make sure you recognise them in any publicity you do before, during and after the event.

7)     If you’re going to have a fee for the conference then establish exactly what this will cover. Does it include refreshments, goody bag etc. and will they be paying enough to cover your costs?

8)     Allow enough time for publicity. A month before is a good time to start advertising it and use as many outlets as possible, thebestof Bolton, Facebook, twitter, local newspaper, posters, direct mail, email etc to increase the awareness of your event.

9)     Check all the electrics work well before the conference is due to start. In a small room, is there space for a projector or do you need something else? At the Bridge  you can use their top of the range audio visual equipment free of charge if you book before the end of September.

10)  Finally ask everyone who goes to the event for their feedback so you can improve in the future. Thank them all for attending, it will leave them with a positive experience of your conference.

The Bridge Conference Centre has a large car park that can hold the majority of conference sizes. It has good proximity to transport links and as it’s on a main road, you can’t miss it. Contact the team there on 07961396196




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