Selling your home? Here are some top tips from Lancasters Estate Agents
8th October 2015
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Selling the family home and moving on can be highly traumatic. Why make it more so by not seeking top quality advice? Lancasters Independent Estate Agents are here to help

By seeking the advice of an established and qualified estate agent, a person is assured of the safest and most cost effective means of getting the best deal.

What will an estate agent do for you? Many Estate agencies will conduct a free survey to establish whether the property is fit for sale, then they will advise on price – they and you want the best price for you and a prompt sale, they will advertise the property for you and include photographs to aid the sale, then they will undertake to help viewers access the premises and accompany the viewer.

Here are some handy tips from Lancasters Estate Agents:

  • Do your homework, talk to a registered and respected estate agent as soon as possible.
  • Prepare the home for sale by cleaning it, and decorating – inside and outside.
  • De-clutter. Less is more, the person viewing wants to see the rooms as he/she would want them to be, so your bits and pieces need to go in a cupboard so that there are clear surfaces, mantelpieces, bedrooms and so on.
  • Empty the bathroom of clutter, the kitchen too. Kitchens and bathrooms will sell, or not, a house. Try and get the surfaces clear, and clean.
  • The same goes for a garage, if you have one. Sorry, but some trips to the tip may be called for.
  • Gardens, if there is a garden with the property, try and get it tidy by clearing away anything that can be got rid of. Prospective buyers may look from the windows of the house for an overview, if it is a mess they may be put off.

The estate agency surveyor will advise, they want to sell for their customer, but by doing their homework the seller can make their job easier, and maintain the true value of the property.

Think of what you want to see in the property that you are hoping to buy, or of a show house – they are always almost empty of unnecessary furnishings and nick knacks, then cast an eye around your own property and see how it can be improved.

Unsure? Ask the professionals at Lancasters Independent Estate Agents, they have lots of experience of selling properties just like yours. Give them a call on 01204 697919

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Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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