Mud To Muscle, getting Active in Your Local Community In Bolton
23rd February 2011
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MUD TO MUSCLE - Do you want to ‘GET ACTIVE’ in your local community…?

Lancashire Wildlife Trust are offering outdoor practical conservation sessions in your local area aimed at adults who want to learn new skills, make new friends, improve their health and help the environment. And it’s completely free to join in!

Our sessions are aimed at all levels of experience and fitness. If you have never done any outdoor practical work before don’t let this put you off as our supervisors will provide you with all the information and support you need on how to use our tools. All volunteers are welcome – from those who want to move 40 wheelbarrows a day to those who just want to make the brews and have a chat!

“The career that I had been doing fell through and I was looking around for things I could do to keep me occupied. I found out about MUD TO MUSCLE and since then I’ve been active with Lancashire Wildlife Trust every week. And I love it!” Stephen Hall, local volunteer.

What type of activities do volunteers participate in with Lancashire Wildlife Trust…?

Improve different habitats at local wildlife sites, such as…

o Planting trees and wildflowers to improve woodland areas

o Hedgerow management to provide good nesting for birds

o Clearing out choked up ponds for amphibians

o Grassland work to make them havens for butterflies and bees

Make sure local wildlife sites are places local people, including schools, want to visit by doing tasks such as…

o Repairing old and damaged fencing

o Clearing drains so that paths remain dry and clean for visitors

o Thinning out dense woodlands so that areas aren’t threatening

o Removal of litter in the area where we work to keep sites clean and tidy

What do you get out of it…?

- Meet new friends and share your interests

- Glow with satisfaction

- Get qualifications (AQAs)

- Get fit for free – no gym fees here!

- Feel proud of your achievements – helping to improve your local community for everyone!

What’s next…?

Our MUD TO MUSCLE project meets twice every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On a Tuesday we normally work at Haslam Park in Rumworth. On Thursday we normally work at Doffcocker Lodge near Johnson Fold.

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi I am Faz and am passionate about all things Bolton. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and find them to be interesting and thought provoking. I would love you to add your personal comments to them. Dont...

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