Mayor launches ‘We Are Bolton’ website to celebrate town
16th October 2015
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Is Queen’s Park where you played as a child? Was the Octagon where you met your future wife? Or is Smithills Hall where your grandparents took you as a special treat?

The Mayor of Bolton, Councillor Carole Swarbrick has launched a project to discover and celebrate the people and places of Bolton.

The new website ‘We are Bolton’ has been created to celebrate the Bolton family and to recognise people and places which are special to them.

Residents can email photographs to the new website of themselves or someone else they know in a location or building in Bolton, with a brief explanation of why that place is special to them.

It could be an iconic building or just an ordinary street where you used to play, or the local shop where you bought sweets, or a more recent memory; it’s somewhere that’s important to you.

The Mayor is encouraging all Boltonians to share their pride and love for their town, by sharing their memories and special places.

The Mayor of Bolton, Councillor Carole Swarbrick said: “I have travelled all over the world and have met people from many walks of life, but I have always been impressed by the pride that the people of Bolton have in their town and the friendly and welcoming people who live here. I’d like to encourage all Boltonians to show their pride and love for their town, by sharing their memories and special places on this website.”

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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