Looking Good
5th August 2009
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Yesterday I wasn't too happy about my attempts at weight loss and improving my fitness, but there is one valuable lesson I have learned, and that is how to look my best. I know which colours suit me, I know what styles suit my body shape and it's not by watching What Not To Wear or Gok. It's all thanks to our very own local image consultant Chris Barbour of Colour Me Beautiful.

A few years ago I visited an image consultant and she told me I should never wear black as it didn't suit my skin tone. Over the years I got a bit confused especially when I saw pictures of Courtney Cox looking great in black as she has similar colouring to me. It all became clear after an afternoon with Chris. After my colour analysis she told me black is one of my colours. (That's why Courtney looked so good!).

As a teenager I wore nothing but black, I think that's why my mum encouraged me to visit the image consultant. I must admit it did get me to wear different colours but not the right ones. Colour Me Beautiful works with a wider range of skin tone and colour matches. I know myself that the colours Chris suggested are right for my skin tone. I now wear black but I also wear very bright colours too. I also now know why my hipster jeans always need pulling up; I haven't got the hips for them!

If you’re into fashion and looking good you will have watched the above mentioned shows, but it's not the same as having the one to one attention and advice of a local professional. 

Chris is featured on The Best of Bolton in the image consultant category. Her advice on style and image includes both men and women.

Chris's website  www.chrisbarbour.com 

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