Lions Give Roaring Start To Bolton Cancer Voices
9th July 2012
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Bolton Cancer Patients and Carers Consultative Group today accepted a Cheque for £1,500 from Bolton Lions Club in support of their newly formed Choir Bolton Cancer Voices.

The donation comes at the end of John Crompton’s year as President after he nominated the Group to benefit from monies raised by the Lions during his term of Presidency. 

Mr Crompton, who attended the inaugural rehearsal of the Choir last Monday evening said:

'After the passing of my wife's cousin, a neighbour and finally a work colleague, all in the last 3 years due to varying forms of cancer, I decided that I would support something to do with Cancer from my President's Appeal and the aim of Bolton Cancer Patients and Carers Consultative Group to achieve a Cancer Information and Support Centre fitted well with my thoughts. Though the proposal for a Centre has been delayed the Group’s idea of a forming a Choir was well received by Bolton Lions Club; Lions already run a music competition nationally so we are delighted to help get the Choir off the ground.'

Membership of the Choir is open to cancer patients and cancer survivors living throughout Bolton; members are welcome to take along a family member or friend to join with them.

Karen Elliott Chair of Bolton Cancer Patients and Carers Consultative Group said:

‘We are extremely grateful to John and his fellow members for their vision in recognising the potential benefits the Choir might offer to people whose lives have been touched by cancer. The Lions do a tremendous job in raising funds year after year and we are very privileged to have been considered worthy of their support at a time when there are so many equally good causes vying for attention.

It’s important to us that Choir members don’t have subscription fees to worry about but obviously there’s a cost to running a venture of this nature so there’s no doubt that without this invaluable financial boost from Bolton Lions Club we would not have been in a position launch the Choir so quickly.’

The Choir rehearses on Mondays at 7.30pm, in The Friends Meeting House, Silverwell Street, Bolton, next to the Parish Church. Enquiries to Karen on 01204 595562 / 07773 164235; email


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