Laptop Repair in Bolton Give a Case Study Of Overheating In Laptops
1st September 2011
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Laptop Repair Bolton provides a complete repair solution for your laptop, regardless of the problems to be resolved. They are fantastic problem solvers and recently sent us a customer case study below about some of the work they have done recently.

Case study for Laptop Repair Bolton 

We received a call from a customer, they were worried about a reacquiring problem with their laptop.

They told us that the machine after being on for so long will shut itself off. We asked the customer some questions that could lead use to the end result of why it keeps turning itself off. 

This problem occurs often on several machines, where the machine turns itself off after a set period of time. The machine over heats itself causing the machine to turn off. 

The most common machine that has this type of problem is HP Pavillion. Where the machine over heats the graphics chip on the motherboard. 

We test all machines that have this problem, by testing the hard drive and memory and all connections on the motherboard, there are two types of motherboard problems that can occur on 

laptops which are north bridge and south bridge problems, these occur by a chip going faulty on the motherboard. 

We send the machines off to one of our specialist and they repair the motherboard's for a flat price of £120. 

If you have any problem like this answer these questions to yourself. 

Do you place the machine on cushioned surfaces? 

Does the machine get very hot? 

Does it turn off during activities such as watching a film? 

Does the machine light up but does not show anything on the screen? 

Does the machine come on for a short period and turn off causing it not to turn on again for a few minutes? 

If so your machine has a motherboard fault. 

If you would like support on this or other issues you may be having with your Laptop, give the team at Laptop Repair Bolton a call on 01204 689935




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Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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