Knightsbridge School Of Music, the world of Music Theatre
17th September 2010
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We have been working with a lovely music school in Bolton recently called Knightsbridge School of Music, they are one of our new members on the bestofbolton and I am amazed at their knowledge and expertise and general love of all things music. 

When I went out to see Jennie, the owner and one of the music teachers there, about setting up her feature with thebestofbolton one of the things she offers her students is lessons in 'Music Theatre' when I asked her about this and to explain it further, this is what she wrote:-


'The  world of  MUSICAL THEATRE is a wonderful world.

Full of light and sound, magic and mystery.

It is a place where you can loose yourself in a child-like world of 'let¹s pretend',   -    
where you can be just who you want to be.

Best of all is the magic you can bring to the audience as you lift them out of their sometimes uneventful lives, and for a short while you draw them into the make believe world you are portraying for them.

Every song you sing has a story to tell,    and it is up to you to pass that story on to your audience. -   It is not expected that everybody will tell the story in exactly the same way, Indeed it would get dull, and uninteresting if they did.

Try to become the person in the song, will enable you to be more convincing in your performance,    sometimes just a small  'prop' helps you to get the feel of the situation and creates an illusion for your audience.

But what ever you do, enjoy what you are doing, If you are enjoying it, then it is likely that your audience will enjoy it as well, - then you will get the satisfaction knowing that for a short while you have drawn someone else into that world of magic and mystery which is :-


To me what this means is 'make it your own' . Anyone can sing a song in the style of someone else but Jennie really emphasises the need to be yourself and deliver a song with your own uniqueness and this is one of the things we here Simon Cowell say so often on XFactor to the participants in the show.

See Jennie and what she has to offer by clicking on the Knightsbridge School of Music link

and if you have ever really fancied trying a musical instrument, a singing lesson to see how good you are  or just popping along to a fun class then Knightsbridge school of Music is the place to go.

'The gift of music is a gift for life'


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Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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