Karen Willcock Stretches Local Solicitors To Their Limit For Workout At Work Day
26th June 2012
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Two thebestofbolton businesses collaborate during 'Workout At Work' Day. Karen Willcock of Bolton Therapy Centre visited employees at Fieldings Porter Solicitors as part of National initiative Workout at Work Day, in an effort to assess and advise them in their working practices, especially whilst sitting at a desk for long periods.

According to research conducted by leading physiotherapy provider Physio Med, over-ambitious exercise plans are one of the biggest causes of musculoskeletal injuries - potentially leaving employers with a headache as staff take time off to recover.

But, further research has thrown up another problem for employers, one much closer to the office. Poor practices whilst sat at a desk for hours on end are causing employees health problems much earlier than those in more active, non-sedentary jobs.

A survey conducted by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) revealed that, 60% of people in the North West continued working on smartphones and other devices after they left the office, and spent on average an extra two hours five minutes doing so, on top of an average of six hours 13 minutes in front of a screen in the office during a regular work day.

The results of the survey were released to coincide with the CSP's Workout at Work Day which took place on Tuesday 19th June. This initiative involved physiotherapists across the UK encouraging people to be more physically active, especially when sat at an office desk, in an effort to combat stress and avoid musculoskeletal disorders, such as back and neck pain.

Here in Bolton, Karen Willcock, Practice Principal at Bolton Therapy Centre, took part in the scheme, visiting local solicitors Fieldings Porter to demonstrate easy ways employees could exercise, all whilst remaining at their desks, and without causing too much disruption to their work.

On Tuesday Karen carried out desk assessments on a number of employees requesting it, advising them on what they were doing correctly, and what they could change in order to avoid health problems that may arise. She said: 'I get a great number of office workers through the door at Bolton Therapy Centre who complain of neck pain and back pain, but have very little idea of what could have caused it. As the surveys show, poor posture and ergonomics create numerous problems, for both the employees and the employers themselves. Workout at Work Day has highlighted many of these issues, and I hope it's had an impact on those I visited.'

She also gave two seminars on the subject, explaining what Workout at Work Day was, health issues that could occur from poor ergonomics, and demonstrations of exercise and pieces of equipment that could combat the problems office workers may face during those long work days sat at a desk.

Emma Cunliffe, in charge of business development at Fieldings Porter, said 'Having Karen in the office was really useful. She gave us loads of practical advice and useful tips about building movement into the working day.

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