How does a fire risk assessment work?
26th July 2013
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Today, TL Safety carried out a fire risk assessment for Best of Bolton owners Gaynor and David Ramsden. Gaynor and David have moved into their new offices in Little Lever and wanted to ensure their employees and premises are safe. They also wanted to ensure that the appropriate type and quantity of fire extinguishers were suitable and sufficient to meet the fire risks associated with their premises.

In order to complete the fire risk assessment TL Safety identified the hazards including any source of ignition, fuel and oxygen. These being all the elements of the fire triangle.

Next we identified the people at risk including employees, contractors, visitors and neighbours.

This enabled us to evaluate the risk of fire occurring and the risk to people. Having identified the hazards we can then look at ways of removing or reducing the hazards as well as removing or reducing the source of ignition, fuel and oxygen. In order to reduce the risk to people we have assessed existing fire prevention, protection, detection and warning systems and where appropriate made relevant recommendations for improvement. When considering the type and quantities of fire extinguishers that Gaynor and David require we have considered the hazards associated with the premises, the size of the premises and taken into account the current BS standard for selection and positioning of portable fire extinguishers.

Escape routes and fire exits, emergency lighting, signs and notices have been reviewed along with any testing and maintenance requirements including condition reports (fixed wire testing) of their electrics and the portable appliances they use, and a suitable fire assembly point.

We will be recording any significant findings so action can be taken and preparing an emergency plan. The next stage will be to inform relevant people of the findings so that further instruction and training can be delivered on fire safety awareness.

We will help Gaynor and David to keep the completed fire risk assessment under review to ensure it remains suitable and sufficient for their needs.

TL Safety provide fire risk assessments, fire marshal training, fire safety awareness training and can provide you with solutions for your fire safety and building compliance requirements. 

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