Have A Question? Ask Bolton Libraries Has The Answer
10th December 2012
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The advent of e-books and the internet has meant libraries have seen a level of decline. Yet they still remain as useful as before, even more so, and they’re free.

Bolton Council have taken further steps to bring people back into the fold and show that our libraries are great, with the launch of Ask Bolton Libraries.

What is Ask Bolton Libraries?

It is a borough-wide enquiry service providing quick, thorough responses to questions sent by phone, fax, letter or email. Alternatively, you can walk into your local library and just ask the staff, making it a part of your library routine.

What sort of questions do they answer?

Who? What? Where? Why? When? Ask Bolton Libraries aim to answer questions big and small on anything and everything.  You can ask them any question, and they can give information and refer you to the most relevant agency or person to help you with your query.

They provide local and national tourist information, general knowledge facts, business, consumer and job-hunting information. Want to research the topic yourself? They can signpost you to the most authoritative and relevant information resources available - in print or online. Just be ready to give them some background to your question, so they know where you have already looked and wait for their response.

The majority of questions are answered within one working day.

Ask Bolton libraries is a completely unique service, one that is running separate to the usual Council offerings regarding town-wide information such as bin collection, highways information and public transport timetables. For those kinds of questions, the number remains the same as always – (01204) 333333.

But, if you have a question, Ask Bolton Libraries can answer it. Try them out, just call into your local library, or give them a call on (01204) 332853 / (01204) 333173. They can also be found on Facebook and Twitter (@askboltonlibs).

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