Guardian Charity Awards - 2012 Awards Open to Applications
28th June 2012
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The annual Guardian Charity Awards seek to recognise and encourage small and medium-sized charities that are improving social wellbeing in its broadest sense by delivering clear benefit to people who are disadvantaged by poverty or disability or are marginalised in some other way.

Last year, the event was a huge success, with five small charities taking the top prizes. For more information about 2011's Awards, click here.

Eligible charities must have been registered in the United Kingdom for more than two years and have an annual income of between £5,000 and £1.5 million.

Winners will each receive an equal share of the overall prize fund, an iPad, one year's free NCVO membership and a tailored package of support from The FSI and Media Trust.

The deadline for applications is 20 July 2012 (midnight).

This is a fantastic opportunity for your charity to be recognised nationally, and have all your hard-work realised. If you are involved with a Bolton charity, or know one that should apply, click here for more information, and forward the link around.

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