Fireglow Bolton Can Save You Money On Fuel Bills
18th April 2013
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Not many people realise that buying a fireplace from Fireglow will save you money on your fuel bills as well.

Fireglow recently installed 3 stoves in one house in Darwen after the owner decided that they wanted to heat their house with stoves rather than oil that they were currently using.  It has already cut the bills and they have recommended Fireglow to a few people already.

Another customer of Fireglow’s spoke to them recently to tell them that their gas bill has been more than halved since they installed a multifuel stove in their property

There are lots of other ways that fireplaces can reduce your fuel bills too.

  • Turn off your gas starters on your fireplace, because if the wood starts to burn and the gas line isn’t turned off, your heating bill will increase.
  • It sounds obvious, but keep the room your fireplace is in free of draughts, by closing any doors and windows in the room. Also, perhaps surprisingly, lighting a fire in a fireplace often makes other rooms feel colder. Another good reason to shut the door.
  • If you have a fireplace with metal doors or curtains, buying a glass door might be a good idea. This is because glass doors prevent the chimney from sucking air from other parts of your house to the room the fireplace is in, which in turns lowers your heating bill.
  • Using ceiling fans can help the efficiency of your fireplace. Setting it to the lowest setting won’t blow air on you but will spread heat around the room. Using a fan near the fireplace can have the same effect.
  • Keeping your fireplace clean will help save you money on fuel bills. The more oxygen that gets to the flames will make the wood burn better, so start dusting those chimneys and other airways!

So, to purchase your dream fireplace from Fireglow, and save money on your fuel bills in the process, visit their showroom on Darwen Road or contact them on 01204 684092 

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