26th February 2020
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After three months under consultation by The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, yesterday it was announced that there will be a new redress scheme to help protect buyers, when purchasing new build properties. Homebuyers who are faced with inadequate building work in their new homes will be protected by a new, independent Ombudsman, Robert Jenrick our current housing secretary has confirmed. All developers will be legally required to become a member of The New Build Ombudsman, which will be independent of the industry, and even better, free to consumers of new build properties. 

The government has recognised that they needed to address new build developers to raise the standard of new build homes across the country, ensuring that developers put quality first and in turn improve the standards of new build properties. This really is a massive step for the industry and one I certainly welcome. As an Estate Agent we have to be part of a Redress scheme, commonly known as The Property Ombudsman. In my opinion it offers protection and peace of mind for your clients and shows that you're willing to be part of a scheme that should something go wrong, your client has someone independent to go to. Adding extra reassurance for your clients, that you're the Estate Agent to choose.


"It’s completely unacceptable that so many people struggle to get answers when they find issues with their dream new home.

That’s why the Ombudsman will stop rogue developers from getting away with shoddy building work and raise the game of housebuilders across the sector.

Homebuyers will be able to access help when they need it, so disputes can be resolved faster and people can get the compensation they deserve."

Robert Jenrick MP - Housing Secretary 


When purchasing a new build property, they generally come with a 10 year warranty under the NHBC, however there is no one that holds the developer accountable for their work, often leaving buyers vulnerable and out of pocket. The NHBC or warranty scheme your builder chooses is there as in insurance should your property need any major repairs within the first 10 years of it's life. They are not there if you feel you need to report your developer for any issues you may come across and in the past you would have had to take your matter to court. The Ombudsman is a great addition to the industry and will hopefully help any buyers of new build properties to take action should they need to, ensuring the quality of craftsmanship is priority when building new build homes. The New Build Ombudsman will have statutory powers to award any person/persons deemed within their rights, compensation, fix any issues within the property and in the worst case, ban the said developer. 


Well done to Propertymark with their help in campaigning for this change.

And as quoted by Mark Hayward, NAEA, Propertymark Chief Executive. 


"Propertymark has campaigned for a New Homes Ombudsman to be created. We welcome the clarity this response brings, and look forward to further developments as legislation is brought forward."

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