Department Of Health Launches Its 'Keep Warm Keep Well' Campaign For 2012
12th November 2012
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I think, already, we can tell that it's going to be a cold winter (and, as long as this equates to snow, I personally don't mind). For many of us, it is very easy to stay warm, especially at home. But for some, that luxury doesn't exist.

During the cold weather, the Department of Health’s ‘Keep Warm Keep Well’ leaflet is a useful resource for the public, especially the over 60s, low-income families and people with a disability or a long-term health condition.

It gives advice on staying well in cold weather and the financial help that is available, covering issues such as healthy lifestyle, flu jabs and heating. ‘Keep Warm Keep Well’ is part of the Department’s Cold Weather Plan, which aims to protect people’s health and reduce harm from severe cold.

Let's take the flu jab, for instance. The flu is often underestimated by the majority of the population, discarded as a mere cold. But, for a lot of people, not only is seasonal flu unpleasant, it can also cause serious illnesses, such as pneumonia or bronchitis, and, in the worst cases, it can result in a stay in hospital or even death. You are more at risk if you have a longterm health condition, are older, or are pregnant.

But, if you meet the following criteria, you can get a free jab that will protect you throughout the winter months:

  • Are aged 65 or over;
  • Are pregnant;
  • Have a serious medical condition such as chronic heart, lung, neurological, liver or kidney disease or diabetes;
  • Have a weakened immune system due to HIV or treatments that suppress the immune system such as chemotherapy;
  • Have had a stroke or TIA (transient ischaemia attack) or post-polio syndrome;
  • Are living in a long-stay residential care home or other long-stay care facility (not prison or university halls);
  • Are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill.


It's a fantastic health system that we have, and the flu is something that shouldn't be taken lightly, so make use of what is availabale.

There is also some great information in the leaflet about keeping your house warm, including the following, which is both informative and interesting: 

By setting your heating to the right temperature, you can keep your home warm and lower your bills. Your main living room should be around 21°C (70°F), your bedroom should be 18°C (65°F) and the rest of the house at least 16°C (61°F). Above this and you may be wasting money; below this and you may be risking your health.

If you'd like more information about heating or any services that may be connected, here at thebestof Bolton, we have two great businesses that are dedicated to keeping you warm and keeping you well this winter. BHE Services and VPS Plumbing Services both come with excellent reputations and fantastic reviews, and can help you.

Please, take a read of the 'Keep Warm Keep Well' leaflet, and stay safe during these coming cold Winter months.

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