Daisy Hill Works Hard To Create A Lovely Colourful Living Space
18th June 2012
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Its always lovely to hear of local people who come together to make theirs and others living space a brighter place and that’s exactly what the ‘Daisy Hill in Bloom’ group have been doing.

They have been turning Daisy Hill red, white and blue to mark the Queens Diamond Jubilee and children planted tubs and planters around the village just close to the new ‘Welcome to Daisy Hill’ sign.

Since 2008 the Daisy Hill group have been meeting to brighten up Daisy Hill and keep it litter free and they are working hard to get more members of the community to become involved.

The group enter the North Wests in Bloom competition and also have their own local competitions such as a Hanging Basket Competition.

To get involved and for lots more information visit  http://www.daisyhillinbloom.org.uk/

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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