Crompton Way Motors have lots of affordable cars for sale
20th August 2013
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If you are buying a used car from Crompton Way Motors you can be assured of getting a good deal and exceptional service. But if you are buying a used car for the first time, what questions do you need to ask.

You should always check where the vehicle comes from. If it’s a trade in ask for maintenance records. Crompton Way Motors never buy from auction houses, only main dealers.

Always ask if you can take a test drive first to get a feel of the car and whether it will work for you. Bring it back in the same condition as you left it though and check you have the correct insurance first. Crompton Way Motors offer this as part of the service.

Ask what service Crompton Way Motors have performed on the car. Crompton Way Motors do a full valet and service on the car before you drive it so you know it’ll be in good condition.

Enquire if you can pay in cash for the used car. Crompton Way Motors do often accept cash for their used cars so ask first. Crompton Way Motors have lots of finance packages available too though, even if you have a poor credit history. They work with major high street and specialised finance providers.

Crompton Way Motors have a part exchange option for all the used cars they sell. They’ll give you a full valuation on all the part exchanges and consider all makes and models. They promise to give you a fair and accurate price.

With over 2 decades experience buying and selling quality cars in Bolton, Crompton Way Motors are the place to go if you’re looking for your next set of wheels. Contact them on 01204 684043. 

About the Author

david r

Member since: 4th July 2012

I am David Ramsden, owner of thebestof bolton.

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