Career Search Consultancy with Good People Services Bolton
6th April 2011
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Career Search Consultancy with Good People Services, Recruitment Agency, Bolton.

Being made redundant is something most of us hope will never happen. Unfortunately, many of us will experience it at some time in our working lives. At a time of change, it can be very worrying if individuals are not sure what to do next or have financial concerns.

Each jobseeker has their own requirements and as a result we aim to treat each candidate on an individual basis. People are usually happier and more productive in jobs for which their abilities, interests and personalities are suited. Job satisfaction - and therefore life satisfaction - can often depend on an individual's interest and suitability for the role.

Our interventions will enable you to market yourself more effectively.  Our profiling service provides useful information about the underlying factors that drive you. It will help you make more informed, and therefore better decisions about your career choices and suitability. 


To maximise success, we would work closely with you and can provide the following support: 

Personal profile assessments 

We use the Thomas International behavioural assessment Personal Profile Analysis (PPA), which provide an insight into qualities candidates can bring to the workplace answering questions such as: What are their strengths and limitations? Are they self starters? How do they communicate? What motivates them?

Human resource tools such as the PPA will help candidates become more aware of their work style. Improving self-awareness gives individuals the means to consolidate and present their strengths. In addition, they can be used to modify communication styles for greater effect at application and interview for a new job. 

CV Builder

Our programme will include:

•Awareness of current local vacancies

•Basic PC and IT literacy

•Creation of a CV

•Computer knowledge to find their chosen job/career

•Ability to find key words that are essential to building a CV

•Creating a Covering letter



For the interventions identified above, we will provide evidence to the Council for each assessment conducted and evaluation feedback sheets for individual delegates. Our fees are set out below:

•CV Builder - £99 (per candidate)

•Personal Profile Assessment - £125 (per candidate)


For More information about the services that Good People offer, email the team

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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