Cancer Patients Sought For Survey
30th October 2012
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Local cancer patients are being sought by Bolton Cancer Patients and Carers Consultative Group to participate in a Survey about their experiences of cancer services. The Group are appealing for Bolton residents with experience of cancer from the perspective of a patient or carer within the last 2 years to participate in their anonymous Survey.

They are looking to achieve a minimum of 100 respondents representing as many different types of cancer as possible; patients need not have had their treatment at the Royal Bolton Hospital to participate in the Survey, which has been kindly sponsored by Bolton Link.

Karen Elliott, Chair of the Group said:-

‘It’s important we capture people’s experiences and views whether these are positive, which is useful in highlighting good practice for example or whether they feel that there are certain things which could be done differently or better to ensure all cancer patients have the optimum experience.

Once the Survey is closed the results will be collated and widely disseminated in the hope the findings will prove useful in informing service providers and helping identify any areas where there may be issues to be further explored or addressed or possibilities for the enhancement of the patient experience to ensure the treatment, care and support of all cancer patients from Bolton, their families / carers is patient-centred, holistic, of high quality, equable, efficient and effective.

If Professionals aren’t aware that everything is not as it might be from the patient’s perspective then they don’t have the opportunity to reflect on this or do anything about it. Whilst some patients have had the opportunity to take part in the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey or a local Survey by the Hospital treating or caring for them, we are offering everyone who falls within the parameters of our Survey the opportunity to have their voice heard.

Knowing the experiences of local patients and what’s important to them will also help inform and drive our own work as a Group.’

To receive a copy of the Survey please ring: -

Karen Elliott, Chair Bolton Cancer Patients and Carers Consultative Group on 01204 595562 with your details - name and postal address or email the same to: - – asking for a copy of the Patient Experience Survey.

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