Bolton St Catherine's Academy Eco Fashion Show and Entertainment Extravaganza Monday 18th July
7th July 2011
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Bolton St Catherine's Academy will be hosting a Fashion event on Monday 18th July 2011.

They are working toward raising funds for building a school in Kenya through a school partnership scheme. 

This evening event has been organized by the Year 9 Girls Group, who have participated in a 12 week project 

The project is the collective effort of both the girls and members of staff to build self esteem, confidence, 

team work, encouraging them to make an impact within school and in the community as positive citizens and role models. 

The end result is a fashion show, where the Academy and wider community will be invited to view their clothing collections themed 'Eco Fashion - Old to Something New'. 

The event will be hosted as an after school event in the evening and will be a showcase for the talents in school. 

There will be: 

Pre show canapes and drinks 

Fashion show 

Interval silver service and drinks for premium priced tables 

Buffet style food for open seats 

Raffle with premium prizes 


Bake sale 


On Monday 18th JULY from 5.30-8pm Tickets cost just £5 which includes a buffet or drinks and £9 for VIP tickets with silver service and goody bags.


If you would like to get involved, please contact Laura Wakefield on 07850 072 785


About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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