Bolton Seasonal And Christmas Jobs, A Great Way To Work
3rd November 2010
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If you are looking for work in Bolton then this time of year can be a great time to bag yourself a job. Many stores and firms are hiring seasonal Christmas staff and ok it may temporary for the time being but being in temporary work has its advantages over not being in work at all.

There are many great advantages to seeking out seasonal and temporary work and here a just a few that may inspire you to


  • Taking on seasonal work is a great stepping stone to a more permanent role or getting back into a career
  • Temporary jobs tend to be great if you don't like the traditional 9-5 way of working as they tend to offer  variety of schedules covering many shifts. Days, nights, evening,weekends etc.
  • A Christmas job can give you the opportunity to try something new and the commitment isn't long term. 
  • No matter what the role and how long the position is for, you will undoubtedly learn new skills which may enhance your CV when applying for future jobs
  • You can get yourself a great and glowing reference. With the right attitude and by working really hard, you can really stand out and shine in your job and make sure that you leave with a fantastic reference to take with you. oh yes and you may also get asked back the next time they need a role filling, be it temporary or permanent.
  • A great chance to network and meet new people, each and everyone who may have links with potential employers. Never underestimate the chance to impress someone with your skills.
So lots of reasosn to get out there and cease the opportunity to take on a great seasonal Christmas job. Its a lovely time of year to be working, shops are busy, people are in good spirits and the days pass quickly.

Have a look around the website for more information on working and gaining employment but also get your CV together and get out there walking the streets, I have seen so many posters up in shop windows, even the biggies like Debenhams, saying they are recruiting for temporary staff. Great Bolton Companies like Jobwise and Good People would be more than happy to take your call and assist you while seeking employment.

If getting a job is a scary prospect for you, why not contact Chris Barbour who works with clients on confidence building and communication skills. 01204 689588           
About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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