Bolton School Meals Set To Stay At £1 Per Day Until The End Of March 2011
20th December 2010
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School dinners, school dinners,

Mushy peas, mushy peas,

Soggy semolina, soggy semolina

I feel sick, get a bucket quick,

Oh too late, I've done it on my plate.

Well that's what we used to sing about school dinners! What are your memories of school dinners? In actual fact I used to love them and was very excited as when I got older, I was a 'second' server on my dinner table and THEN was promoted to THE server...oh the power lol.

School dinners these days have been given a lot of stick for a number of reasons with cost being one of the main factors. Well for the last few months, Bolton have had a scheme in operation whereby school dinners cost only £1 per day and I am pleased to report that this scheme has again been extended for all children in the Bolton borough until the end of March. This gives a family a saving of £4 per week and £152 over the year and they can be guaranteed their child will be getting a healthy, balanced meal and all for £1 per day. Bargain I say!

The scheme was introduced last January to encourage more children to have a nutritious meal during the day and to develop longer term eating habits and in Bolton because of the current scheme approx 70% of pupils are having a school meal compared with the national average of only 47%.

The scheme is funded by the Governments Healthy Communities Grant and long may it continue I say! For more information on School Meals, have a look at the Bolton Website

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi I am Faz and am passionate about all things Bolton. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and find them to be interesting and thought provoking. I would love you to add your personal comments to them. Dont...

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