Bolton Remembers 9/11 The Day The World fell Silent.
6th September 2011
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Sunday the 11th of September will mark the day ten years ago when Muslim extremists, inspired by Al Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden, carried out the most devastating terrorist atrocity the world has ever seen.

Terrorists took control of four domestic airliners in the skies above the Eastern Seaboard of America with the intention of crashing them into strategic targets, attacking both international commerce and the American Government.

Three out the four planes struck home, delivering a devastating and unexpected blow right at the heart of American society. 2977 people died that day as a direct result of the terrorist attack, many of them emergency workers who put their own lives in the way of danger in an attempt to rescue others.

Among the dead were 343 Firefighters and 37 Police Officers, all going about their daily duty; a duty which would have seen them risk their lives scores of times before but never before had so many lost their lives in a single incident.

Emergency workers around the world were stunned by the shocking loss of life that day and reminded of the dangers they face on a regular basis and taken for granted by most other people.

In Bolton's Victoria Square on Sunday, the Mayor, Cllr Noel Spencer, Bolton Council and Bolton's Fire Service will hold a service of remembrance 10 years to the day and minute that the first plane smashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Centre in New York.

The date happens also to coincide with the annual Sunday of remembrance for Firefighters who have lost their lives while on duty and the people of Bolton are asked to show their gratitude and respect for those brave men and women by attending the ceremony in Victoria Square at 1.35pm and stand united in a show of respect and remembrance as 2 minutes silence will be observed at 1.46pm. 

Earlier in the day Borough Commander Ian Bailey will collect a lantern from Bolton Parish Church. The lantern will have been blessed by The Vicar of Bolton, Rev Matt Thompson before it is taken around the boroughs fire stations.

At 11am Fires Stations across Bolton will open their doors to the public, giving people to opportunity to have a look around and meet the firefighters. At 12.30pm visitors at Bolton Central Fire Station will be asked to make their way to Victoria Square and at 1.10pm a procession will leave the Central Fire Station, led by Borough Commander Ian Bailey carrying the Lantern.

At 1.35pm the service of remembrance will open with words from the Vicar Of Bolton, followed at 1.46pm by the ringing of an old fire bell, marking the start of the two minutes silence.

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