Bolton, do you need a gluten free pancake recipe?
10th February 2015
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Pancake Day this year is on the 9th February and if you're looking for a gluten free pancake recipe, look no further because here's a gluten free pancake recipe you will love.

Firstly, assemble your materials.

  • 125g of gluten free flour
  • Egg replacer use the amount specified to ‘one egg’ quantity
  • 250 ml of hemp milk
  • Sunflower oil or rice bran oil. A one Cal spray can be used in place of oil but check out the dietary contents first.
  • If you are able and wish to, you may add raisins, sultanas, or even chopped fruit to you pancake, but we suggest that you do so when the pancake is in the pan rather than in the mix, yummy!


Use a quite large bowl, place the flour into it and give it a quick stir to remove any lumps. Make a well in the middle of the mix and add the egg replacement and the milk, beat the mix using an electric mixer, or a kitchen fork, until it is thoroughly mixed. For best results let it ‘prove,’ or rest, with a tea towel over the top, for half an hour or so.

Give the mix another quick beat for a minute or so. Then if you have a smaller non-stick frying pan that is ideal, if not use the one that you usually use, put some of the oil into the pan, not too much or it will make the pancake greasy and it will taste of oil.

Wait until the oil in the pan is hot – we recommend that Mum or Dad does this bit – drop just a tiny amount of the mix (size of a ten pence piece) into the oil – if it sizzles then it is hot enough.

Pour enough mix into the hot oil – carefully starting at the far edge away from you to reduce splashing – until a pancake of about seven to ten inches across is in the hot oil. It will cook very quickly.

When one side is turning golden brown, turn it over with a spatula or flip it if you wish, either way when both sides are golden brown your pancake is ready. Enjoy.

Don't forget your lemon juice! 

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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