Bolton Cancer Patients and Carers Consultative Group Petition For New Centre
22nd February 2011
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Karen Elliott, Vice Chair Bolton Cancer Patients and Carers Consultative Group contacted thebestof bolton to ask for some help and support as she is petitioning for a Cancer Information and Support Centre based at the Royal Bolton Hospital.

Karen states that

Feedback from a Public Meeting held in 2005 gave a clear indication of locally unmet need around the provision of information and support for cancer patients and their carers and also for the wider general public on issues such as screening and cancer awareness. Patients and Carers have been central in identifying the specification of the facility being sought and the services required within it to achieve the optimum cancer resource for the whole community

In pursuit of this goal a Working Party comprising of representatives from NHS Bolton - the Primary Care Trust, the Royal Bolton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Macmillan Cancer Support, cancer patients and carers had been developing a business case for the proposed Centre and earlier this year received the first Architect’s drawings of how the Centre might look. At the point at which the final meeting in the Feasibility Study being undertaken by Macmillan was due to have taken place, NHS Bolton withdrew their support of the project.


The site identified for the Cancer Information And Support Centre is on the main drive of the Royal Bolton Hospital opposite the main entrance. For most of the local population suspected of having cancer, Bolton Hospital will be the place we have our investigations, receive our diagnosis, are treated and receive follow-up care etc, so it is the most appropriate location for such a Centre. 

Being on the Hospital site will also facilitate collaborative working with staff in the Multidisciplinary Teams looking after cancer patients, helping us achieve a seamless service. 

The Cancer Information And Support Centre will be housed in a bespoke building, designed to enable us deliver on our vision..

With the Centre as the hub, it is envisaged that Community Satellite Units will in time be developed as part of our outreach service.

Cancer will indiscriminately touch the lives of 1 in 3 people; of the several thousand local people referred for suspected cancer last year alone, 1430 people received a cancer diagnosis at the Royal Bolton Hospital. Nothing can change the devastating impact of a cancer diagnosis but much can be done to support and empower patients and their families throughout the journey With the number of people being diagnosed on the increase, plus improvements in treatment and screening, there are a growing number of people who could potentially benefit from this facility, not to mention the advantages of such a resource to the wider general public.

We believe that over 300 people visited Macmillan Cancer Support’s Mobile Unit during its last two visits to the town; the need is out there. 

If we allow this project to be cast aside we will be failing so many people and allowing further gaps and inequalities to develop between what is available to cancer patients, their carers and the population locally, and the added value of other Health Care providers in the region. We must remain strong and focused; therefore we turn to the people of Bolton and surrounding districts to add strength to our campaign through voicing their support and signing our Petition. Every single signature counts. Please help us to turn this dream in to reality and to be there for cancer patients and their families when it matters most.  

If you would like more information on how you can help to support this petition or would like a copy of the petition form please email me 


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Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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