Are there any Bolton Young Persons Housing Scheme jobs available?
8th May 2013
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If you've ever thought of joining the board of a charity, but haven't been able to before now, then now's your chance, with opportunities at Bolton Young Persons Housing Scheme. 

Bolton Young Persons Housing Scheme are recruiting for three new trustees to join their board. These are a chair to start in 2014 and a trustee and treasurer to start later on this year.

The main role of the chair person is to give the charity leadership. The successful person will work with the director to get the most out of staff and trustees, so that everybody remains committed to reaching the charity’s objectives.

The role of treasurer is an important one within the charity. Whoever fills the role will ensure that all accounts are presented to the charity’s board regularly and will monitor BYPHS finances.

The final role available is that of trustee. Every trustee at BYPHS is responsible for safeguarding the assets of BYPHS and to ensure the charity follows UK charity law, makes sure the organisation reaches its objectives and follows any other relevant legislation.

For full details on the job descriptions, visit this link on the BYPHS website. The deadline for applicants is 30th May. Send your CV, along with a covering letter explaining why you are the right person for the role.

BYPHS provides temporary supported accommodation to young people aged between 16 and 25. For more information on them, give them a ring on 01204 520183. They look forward to hearing from you. 

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