Alliance Learnings' top tips to succeed in an Apprenticeship interview
21st March 2013
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1)      Before the interview it’s important to do your homework. Research the company and find out what their business is all about. Look up who their customers and their staff are. By doing this you’ll show you’re really enthusiastic about the company.

2)      Remember that first impressions count. It is said that employers make up their mind about somebody within 10 seconds of meeting them, then spend the rest of the interview confirming that belief. One of the ways you can make a good impression is by wearing the right clothes. If you look professional (smart suit for men, shirt, jacket and trousers or a skirt with small heels for ladies) then you’ll make the right impression. Shoes should be clean and match your outfit. Don’t use excessive amounts of perfume, aftershave or deodorant. Wearing too much may distract the potential employer away from your skills and employees.

3)      Ask questions. Most interviewers will give you the opportunity to ask questions at the end. By preparing some, it shows you’re interested in the company. Even if all the questions you’ve prepared are covered in the interview, say something like “I was going to ask about…but we’ve covered it in the interview” so it still shows you’ve done your homework. One thing not to ask about is the money and salary.

4)      Be prepared to be asked challenging questions. These could include “describe a situation where you’ve been flexible, “how would your friends describe you?” and “describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation.” None of the questions are asked to trip you up, but are intended for you to show you work well under pressure and you can think on your feet. Your answers could relate to school, your sports team or a situation you’ve had with a friend.

5)      The day before your interview have an early night so you look awake and alert during the interview. On the morning of the interview wake up in good time so you’ve got lots of time to get ready. Take a notepad and pen so you can make notes during the interview, along with a copy of your CV. Once you get to the interview and meet the interviewer, smile at them and shake their hand firmly. All this shows you’re a confident person.  

6)      During the interview be positive at all times, even if they ask about a past employer. Answer their questions as detailed as you can, but don’t go off on a tangent. Look at the employer at all times and make sure your body language is all positive.

7)      After the interview smile and thank the employer for seeing you. Perhaps ask when they’ve made a decision if they haven’t said so already. If you find out you are unsuccessful, ask for feedback to find out where you went wrong, and if you do get the job or apprenticeship, congratulations!

Alliance Learning offer the very best apprenticeships and commercial training courses in the North West. They will help you get the apprenticeship you want. For more information call them on 01204 689592 or visit their offices in the Hurst Building in Horwich. 



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