Can acupuncture help migraines? Bolton Therapy Centre explain
20th August 2013
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If you’re unfortunate enough to suffer from migraines then  Bolton Therapy Centre  might be able to help you.

Many people don’t understand what migraines are. They can last up to 3 days in total and can render the person suffering from the migraine off work for that time period as well. A migraine can appear all of a sudden and is a severe headache on one side of the head. It can also cause sickness and nausea. Sometimes people see flashing lights or suffer distorted vision when suffering from a migraine. They differ from a headache because they stop you from doing anything at all.

Acupuncture from Bolton Therapy Centre can help ease the symptoms of migraines. As the team at Bolton Therapy Centre are qualified physiotherapists they are highly trained to perform the acupuncture. Acupuncture works by balancing the symptoms of migraines on the body’s flow of energy. Acupuncture can encourage the brain to release natural pain relievers endorphins and up to 70% of people have found acupuncture useful.

It is recommended to have the treatment once a week for six weeks. The treatment doesn’t hurt as much as you might think, the needles feel like a mild tingling and you’ll feel very relaxed afterwards.

September 1st to 7th is migraine awareness week and the organisers want to inform people who don’t suffer from migraines how serious they can be. It wants to raise awareness of migraines, encourage those suffering to seek help and give advice on the different treatment options, like acupuncture, that are available. You can support the Migraine Action Week by donating, putting up posters, organising an event or joining their support group. 

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