7 Facts You Never Knew About Coffee from The Coffee Grind
12th December 2014
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We are a nation of coffee lovers, who would have believed how stopping off for a coffee has become almost a number one social activity. Well The Coffee Grind in Bolton are coffee connoisseurs and want to share some facts about coffee that you never knew. 

  1. Coffee isnt actually dehydrating - Caffeine was once thought to be a diuretic but this simply isnt true unless you are consuming massive quantities.
  2. Coffee Contains Important Nutrients - A single coffee contains vitamin B2, B5, Magnesium and Potassium all essential body nutrients.
  3. Caffeine is actually crystals - The buzz you feel after drinking coffee actually comes from crystams of caffeine so small but enough to give you an energy burst.
  4. Coffee is a red berry before a bean - Nothing more to say on this one but interesting to know how it starts off and is actually a fruit! 
  5. Coffee is good for your liver - People who drink four cups of coffee a day are 80% less likely to develop cirrhosis a condition affecting the liver.
  6. Brazil is the worlds biggest coffee producer - followed by Vietnam and Columbia although there is a wide gap between Brazil and the other countries.
  7. The drink "Americano" comes from when American GIs in WWII would order their espresso with water because it was too strong
So there you go, some fab coffee facts, now head off to Bolton Markets to The Coffee Grind and grab yourself a coffee from one of the best baristas in town.
About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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