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Local Businesses in Bolton
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'Buy Local' and save money
'Buy Local' and save money
Shopping locally saves money, petrol and keeps invaluable local, independent businesses alive.
Recent analysis has claimed that whichever party wins the key Bolton West seat will be set to win the election.
David Cameron visits Bolton in advance of May elections.
Victorian Week in Bolton
Victorian Week in Bolton
Enjoy a week of events this Easter, offering children the chance to experience Victorian Bolton.
Are you a Green Hero?
Are you a Green Hero?
The search is on for Bolton's 'green hero' businesses.
Bolton Museum kickstarts weeks of Easter fun.
Bolton’s favourite son Peter Kay has broken world records with his latest shows - the largest stand-up tour in history.
Bolton Council joined forces this week with The Big Bolton Fund to launch the 'One Bolton' campaign.
As leagues of sun worshippers across the UK pray for a quick end to the winter months, we take a look at some of the local businesses that can help you get your garden in order ready for summer.
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