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Exeter's The Maynard School's Concert Series tickets are now available for cellist Naomi Butterworth, performing on Saturday, 27 November. This includes a champagne reception.
The Battle of Trafalgar no longer is celebrated in the UK save by the Royal Navy
It was a fine but overcast day for walking when the joint presidents of the Royal Cornwall Show 2010 visited on the first day.
Plymouth Armed Forces Week events and activities involving the 3 services and more culminating in Armed Forces Day
Armed Forces Day,is the day to honour our Service personnel, past, present and future, and will be held for the second time on Saturday 26 June 2010.
Today Butlins of Holiday camp people, launches its search for young artists in their first ever Toddler Art Prize, a prestigious competition with a prize fund of £10K in total that aims to find Britain’s leading contemporary artists aged 4 or under.
Plymouth City Centre Piazza and Sundial promotional events to 3 May 2010. including the Place de Brest. See what's on in the Piazza.
ANZAC Day ( 25 April ) is probably Australia's most important national occasion. This date marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. A Nation came of age.
Ford Park Cemetery Trust undertakes much education work within the community and with schools, centred on the history of the City and on the unique wildlife habitat of this Victorian Cemetery.
St George's Day should be celebrated in the same manner that the other patron saints of Wales, Scotland and Ireland are celebrated
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