Creating an online presence for FREE
13th August 2021
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However, as a business owner you don’t need to worry as there are multiple ways you can benefit from advertising for free when creating an online presence.

The internet is a great tool to start with, the reason being is the fact it offers so many options.  As a start-up business creating your own website is key.  You need to have an area where your customers can find you.  It’s like having your own little area on the internet.  Many website design pages are free to use with minimal investment.  It all depends on how your website works and what you want to include. 

Not only is having a website key for growing your online presence and success, making sure you have social media platforms is key.  Social media is the way forward for any business and being a part of each community already brings you one step closer to reaching your target audience. 

At the moment there are multiple platforms you as a business owner can be a part of, however the two main platforms are LinkedIn and Instagram.  LinkedIn is a ‘business’ platform that allows you to have a personal and business page meaning you can network and grow your following with other business owners within your industry/area.  Instagram is the new Facebook.  This is a picture platform turning into a video platform.  Creating an Instagram page will allow you to reach your target audience through photos, hashtags and location. 

Lastly, the most simple advertising tool is to make sure you have a signature at the end of every email.  This should include your website, contact number and address plus any links to your social media pages. This is a great free advertising tool but also is really helpful for building an online presence for your business.

Do you struggle with creating an online presence and want to learn more on how you can achieve the best results?  Over the past few months we have been offering free business health checks.  This review is of the business, what business owners want from their business and how we can find strategies to move things forward.  If you have taken some key points away from this post but would like to discuss further. Click Here.

About the Author

Simon Marshall

Member since: 12th January 2021

Business Growth Specialist & Coach

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