Are You Fast Enough
5th May 2021
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For years there’s been an issue sabotaging businesses up and down the country, and it was brought to light by a colleague of ours recently.

When talking to a business owner, who runs a kitchen company, said owner was getting frustrated that they weren’t getting enough design consultations and therefore not enough sales.

Our colleague delved a little deeper and found that they were in fact getting dozens of enquiries a week through their website and email.

But the team at the kitchen company weren’t getting back in touch, on average, until 4.5 days later to organise a consultation!

And that’s just too long.

People have moved on with other things by then, meaning they were a lot harder to get hold of and if they did, it’s no longer fresh in their minds and the interest in the service is diminished.

And that’s why I wanted to take you back to our very first ever Tuesday Tip - The Golden 10 minutes...

When your business gets a new lead or enquiry - how long does it take you to get back to them?

An hour? A day? A week?!

Here are some eye watering statistics *Hubspot:

If you call a lead within 10 minutes of them enquiring with you (submitting the form/requesting the call etc) - you have a 92% chance of getting hold of them.

If you call a lead just 30 minutes after the enquiry, that drops to 65%.

If you wait two hours (which most people would consider to be a great result!), you're down to a 39% chance of them ever answering the phone.

Imagine how low the number drops after just one day or even a week... (it's scary!).


The SPEED of your follow up will directly impact the number of sales you make.

Leads and enquiries have a 'half-life'. Their value diminishes - by the minute! 

Your conversion rates will reduce with every hour that you sit on a lead before reaching out/responding to it. 

Don’t always think it’s a case of not getting enough leads or enquiries.

More often than not, it’s simply a case of speeding up your response times that’ll improve your conversion rates.

So get your team on standby - because you want to be sure you're following up with leads in those golden 10 minutes...




About the Author


Member since: 22nd March 2018

Cale is the Owner of 'thebestofHastings', the award winning franchise, providing integrated marketing solutions to SMEs, connecting to the Hastings community and promoting local events in 1066 Country....

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