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Annoyances and Irritations News & Updates

LOCAL authorities are spying on the bank accounts of residents they suspect of making fraudulent benefit claims in an attempt to catch them out.
THE borough's new recycling scheme has again been slammed after bin men were seen throwing cardboard and plastic in with general waste.
Residents have won a "victory for the little man" after forcing developers of the Epsom station site to clean up their act.
MID Surrey Mediation Service (MSMS) was set up about 15 years ago as a "go-between" to sort out neighbourly disputes
The council has confirmed that the new Epsom station development will not include increased parking for commuters, though it will have 200 spaces for bikes.
EPSOM & Ewell Borough Council's Environmental Health team received 60 complaints of smoke in the borough in one year.
"Unavoidable disruption" is expected in Epsom town centre when traffic signals are refurbished and pedestrian crossings are temporarily suspended later this month.
A railway bridge in Epsom has been turned into an unattractive hub for free advertising, it has been claimed.
Gas leak sparks emergency road closure in Surbiton
Will the Ewell Loos become homes?
Will the Ewell Loos become homes?
How many homes can you cram onto the site of one tiny ex-public toilet? Two, according to Epsom Council which has given approval, in principle, for two one bedroom maisonettes to be built on the site of Ewell Village's old toliets which measure just 0.019 acres.
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