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Community News & Updates

Applications are still being counted for your chance to tell the world how special that wonderful woman you know is. The Venus Awards Devon is the perfect opportunity to showcase the talents and remarkable work that women in business do.
More than one in five women has taken time off as a direct result of domestic violence. What can you do to increase awareness in their safe workplace? Re:Store Charity Shop give you advice on how to tackle this important issue.
A new local service means Braunton can host a monthly cinema club showcasing films from Classics to more recent flicks. Thanks to a little known North Devon community interest company........
The National Cycle Challenge is coming to Barnstaple ......... and your company, department, organisation or team are all invited to take part! Read on to find out about this fun and free competition to see who can get the most people riding a bike in North Devon.
On any one day, there are more than 62,000 children living with foster families across the UK. The Fostering Network estimates that a further 8,600 foster carers are needed this year alone to provide the supportive, stable and caring home for these vulnerable children.
What’s more glorious then a stroll through beautiful gardens in the sunshine?North Devon can boast some of the most extravagant, stunning gardens in all of the UK. So get ready for your senses to explode as we guide you through some of the top floral delights on offer in the entire South West.
Starfish Community Charity in Barnstaple supports local charities, administers a hardship fund and supports local community groups, projects and activities.
If you love art and have time to help vonlunteer as a driver for a Barnstaple group based in Barnstaple, they would love to hear from you
Tell the Carnegie UK Trust more about your local Carnegie Field and you could help it win £5,000. Think of the possibilities!!!
Calvert Trust Exmoor is ‘Charity of The Year’ for Devon County Show 2015, which runs from Thursday the 21st to Saturday the 23rd of May at WestPoint, Exeter.
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