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FREE: The Truth About Fat Loss and Nutrition Seminar

Would you like to know the secrets I have previously only shared with my own fat burning members? The Truths that will rid your troublesome area's from the stubborn body fat?

when diet and weight loss goes wrong, Walsall Personal Trainer has the answer.

In this article Walsall's weight loss expert Paul Wilson will explain the number 1 fact to why 95% of the population will fail with diets and weight loss.

The brummies guide to fat loss from Walsalls NO.1 Personal Trainer

I have just finished writing an awesome article which will describe how your everyday Walsall girl will go about getting into shape in the new year only to find they are bombarded with everything other than what will guarantee fat loss results.

West Midlands Obesity is the Highest in Europe

West Midlands has the highest obesity in Europe as 29% of Brits who are Obese are living in the West Midlands. Paul Wilson's fat burner boot campers speak out!

Walsall Personal Trainer Weight Watching in America

Walsall's top weight loss expert reveals the truth behind America's fat nation and how we are rapidly catching up. And what you can do about it.

this is why YOU will always fail to get THIN!

95% of the UK failed to achieve their fat loss and fitness goals last year. Thats 95% of the UK who made their new years resolutions who either gained more weight, or stayed the same.
In this article you will discover how you can become the top 5%...

Walsall Halloween Pumpkin Tricks Lead to a Charity Treat

Walsall boot campers raise over £100 for charity in the halloween spooktacular 'pumpkin' workout!

*FREE Boot Camp Workout with a Spooky 'Pumpkin' Twist this Friday 29th, 7:30pm

Paul Wilson From Fat Burner Bootcamp hosts a spooktacular 'pumpkin' bootcamp workout in Walsall Wood Oak Park to raise awareness for local charity the Walsall Dyspraxia Group.

Aldridge Puma's call on Top Personal Trainer

Always looking to improve performances Aldridge Puma’s (under 12’s) have called upon the services of Local Fitness Expert Paul Wilson to train with the Puma’s to boost fitness levels for the season.

Feel good naked and Lose up to 10lbs in 14 days

Here's an article written by Top Fat Loss Expert Paul Wilson that shares how you are drop 10 pounds of ugly body fat in just 14 days.