Small Businesses Have Feelings Too
17th October 2020
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The other day I took a bit of a gamble and had a rant via my weekly newsletter. This is something I have never done. Normally it’s usually unicorns and rainbows. But over the last few months and weeks, there’s been this growing faction of moaners that are getting louder and louder on social media.

It’s starting to get my goat

One of things my business, thebestof Sudbury does, is help small local businesses with their marketing. I help them get more customers. I've always organised networking events to being local professionals together but since Lockdown, I've brought those online and I now host a regular business support zoom call. Since March I’ve seen the struggle these small businesses have had during the pandemic and how hard they’ve been working to adapt to the new way of the world, be compliant with government guidelines all whilst trying to earn money and keep themselves and families safe. So many I know have worked so hard.. and not just for themselves but for the community

i've seen businesses go above and beyond to ensure the local community is fed and water. Award winning Jamie's Meat inn on North Street immediately started offering delivery free to those that were shielding or il. Beverley at the Laundry Goddess offered Pay It Forwrd washes and ironing to all keyworkers. They are also offering a delivery service.

So when I read statements online again and again about how the town is dead, there’s nothing worth visiting here, it’s gone to the dogs etc, it quite frankly makes me angry 😡

But what's worse is that it’s not true! Covid aside, we have a great little theatre, St. Peter’s, a town market twice a over 1000 years old, an awesome award winning farmers market, Gainsborough House, investment, 12 new businesses that opened up mid pandemic. Does that sound like a dying town trend?

And how rude to all those small businesses! To publically say they aren’t worth visiting - because that what those statements suggest. And all those businesses, that aren’t worth bothering with, they’re the ones that employ local people, train the future generations, use local suppliers and keep the £ in the local economy. And when your school needs a raffle prize or sports team needs a sponsor, is it Amazon boss Jeff Bezos that’s donating his profits to help your cause? Nope, it’s your local friendly shop or business.

The high street is changing - I’ve talked about it, written about it and seen it. But banging on about how great things used to be, back in the day, won’t bring them back.

What I’m trying to say and maybe a lesson for us all, is don’t be dicks on social media. Think about what you’re writing and why you’re writing it.

And finally, this Christmas, why not buy the odd Christmas pressie from a local independent rather than online, if you can. And if you can’t, why not tell them they’re doing a great job, or buy them a beer or like their Facebook page or give them a virtual hug.

Small business is the lifeblood of any community. Please support them, and please be kind.

About the Author

Penny W

Member since: 17th March 2014

Hello! I'm Penny from thebestof Sudbury, shouting about the best local businesses from Hadleigh through the Clare. When I'm not doing that, you'll find me knitting socks or tending to my 6 chickens

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