Just What Is #hertshour?
24th June 2013
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Welcome to the Hertford blog.


Have you ever heard of Herts Hour, or more importantly, #hertshour? If you’re a regular on Twitter, then you’ll probably have seen hash tags (#) popping up everywhere followed by a word. Its Twitter’s neat little way of allowing a word or phrase to be clicked and shared across the social media site, and when a word or phrase gets enough shares it starts to trend across Twitter.


So what’s #hertshour? Well, if you’re a business owner, community leader or just plain interested in Hertfordshire as a county to live in, then #hertshour is definitely worth getting involved with! Between 8pm and 9pm every Monday evening, Hertfordshire’s Twitter feed lights up with hundreds of local people following each other and sharing each other’s tweets. It’s a fantastically easy way to get you known across Hertfordshire, all in the space of an hour!


In its few short months since starting, #hertshour has connected local businesses, promoted special offers, helped people find work and establish relationships between community projects and local business. It’s been phenomenal, and we can all thank one man for having the insight of setting it up, Steven Davies who owns the fabulous RS Archery in Hatfield.


So if you’re unsure if #hertshour is for you, then give it a try! It’s free, it’s quick, you can dip in and out and you’ll be introduced to businesses and people that you didn’t know existed, surely that’s all good, right?!


I’ll certainly be there, and you can find me on Twitter by searching @Rob_Glover and follow the founder of #hertshour, Steven Davies by searching @RSArchery.


Thanks for reading, and start getting connecting!

About the Author

Victoria H

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi there, my name's Victoria and as owner of thebestof Hertford and Ware it's my job to find and promote the best information, events and businesses that Hertford and Ware have to offer!

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